ACJC & Live Life Foundation Cheque Presentation at the Royal Children Hospital

ACJC & Live Life Foundation Cheque Presentation at the Royal Children Hospital

In September, at the ACJC Yum Cha Lunch held at the Silks Crown, we helped raised over $20,000 for the Live Life Foundation, a charity founded by our Corporate Members Perry Sambor in support of the Royal Children Hospital Neuro Science Division.

On 12 November, our Chairperson Teresa Poon attended the cheque presentation ceremony alongside Perry followed by a tour of the Neuro Science Ward.  “It was really inspiring to see a group of talented and dedicated people doing wonders for the children of not only Melbourne, but the whole of Australia and from all over the world.” Teresa said.  “ACJC is incredibly humbled to have the opportunity to contribute in our small way in making a difference”

This hugely successful annual fund raising event would not be possible without the generous support of Crown Melbourne, donors of the auction items, The Black Grape Society, Melbourne Racing Club, Bvlgari, Kennedy Luxury Group, Harrolds and Wendy Scully Millinery.





在今年9月ACJC在皇冠集團旗下 Silks 舉辦的慈善飲茶午宴為Live Life Foundation籌集得超過$20,000善款。 Live Life Foundation 創辦人 Perry Sambor 為ACJC 企業會員,而Live Life Foundation (LLF) 的成立旨在為 The Royal Children Hospital的兒童神經科學中心提供資金。

11月12日,澳華賽馬會主席Teresa Poon應邀與 Perry Sambor 先生一起出席在皇家兒童醫院支票交贈儀式。支票交贈儀式後,我們探訪了該院的神經科學病房。澳華賽馬會主席道: “ 我們很感動能看到各界的善長人翁凝聚在一起 ,為了來自世界各地有需要的孩子們無私的奉獻。ACJC非常榮幸的能夠參與這個意義非凡的慈善籌款,讓本會能夠獻出一點力量,回饋社會。”

ACJC再次感謝墨爾本皇冠集團,澳大利亞黑葡協會,the Melbourne Racing Club, Bvlgari, Kennedy Luxury Group, Harrolds 及 Wendy Scully Millinery 的慷慨支持讓我們ACJC 這個年度慈善籌款活動再次獲得空前成功。

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